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G binds to C. A Ideograms of chromosome 1 at the 550-band and the 850-band level. G Band Ideograms Of Human Chromosome 11 At From Left To Right 350 Download Scientific Diagram 3 R-banding - gives the reverse of G-banding dark G-bands appear light light G-bands appear dark. . Figure 4 shows the proportion of genes per group by chromatin G-band intensity with light to dark banding scaled numerically by color from 1 to 5. G bands Are darkly stained regions of compacted chromosomes heterochromatin that have been stained with Giemsa 16. An ideogram is an idealized representation of the banding pattern. As shown the proportion of protein-coding genes. A unique banding pattern is used to identify each chromosome. On using this stain dark and light bands appear. The staining of chromosome is known as banding technique because stains give rise to pattern of bands along the length of chromosome. G-banding is the mos...
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